History Classes Taught by Luke Roberts
I teach five classes each year, usually four undergraduate classes and one graduate class. The one lower division course I teach each year is Hist 87 Japanese History Through Art and Literature. This covers history on the islands from prehistoric to modern times and is a lecture course which usually enrolls about 55 students and includes mandatory sections with the class TA. I usually teach three upper division courses each year. This includes 187P which is a "proseminar," a 10 week research seminar for around 10 students. Each student researches and writes a 12-20 page paper on a topic of his or her choice within the broad parameters of the chosen proseminar topic for that year. Previous topics have included nationalism, gender, and samurai. Each year I usually teach a sequence of two classes from a three part series of upper division lecture courses which enrollments range from 30-60 students: 187A Japan Under the Tokugawa which is a history of Japan from the 1550's until the 1810's or so; 187B Modern Japan which is a history of Japan from around 1800 to 1945: and 187C Recent Japan which is a history ofJapan from 1945 to the present. In Winter of 2001 I first taught 102LR Samurai Japan, a lecture/discussion course for 18 students with intensive readings on the history of samurai in Japan from the 1100's to the 1800's. My graduate courses are small, ranging from 1-5 students, and the topics vary widely from reading and discussion courses, to research seminars, and on to early modern Japanese paleography. In addition to my one annual class I often teach additional small graduate classes as the need arises.