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This is Page 10 of Kokin kousei, Shinsen zeni kagami (Corrected Against Past and Current Records, A New Selected Mirror of Cash Coins).

Thus ends the zeni kagami. The publisher adds the same notes to this page as he did on page 7.

As a collector of Kan'ei tsuuhou coins I am surprised that not one appears in this book! Such books must have existed but this dealer seems to have decided that they did not fit in his mirror.

Many other types of Japanese coins: pre-Edo era coins, Edo era charms and Edo era proofs, and some 17th century Nagasaki export coins appear.

A previous owner penciled in a chart on the left but it is not wholly trustworthy. Amost all values in this book are expressed in the silver standard
1monme=10 fun=100 rin

Although silver, gold and copper had floating exchange rates, one rin was generally worth about one mon copper coin.
The "sen" and "yen" in the chart are currency values from the Meiji period (1868-1910) and not applicable to the prices in this book.

Because each page file is a large JPG (around 200K each) I have made a separate web page for each of the10 pages of the book. Use this bar to navigate to the page you want. Use the cover image in the green rectangle to navigate to the top page.

